Tuesday, 31 December 2013

7 ways to deal with stress

As everybody of us knows, it's a struggle to complete every assignment, ace every test, and manage our social life, which is why we all need healthy ways to deal with stress. Being young is not as easy as it looks. Whether we’re in high school or college, we have a long list of tasks that need to get done. So here are some ways that we suggest you to deal with stress :

1 - Do plan :
Write down everything you have to do this week. The list will seem daunting at first, but things won’t seem as bad once you organize your time. If you have a ten page assignment, separate the task into two or more days. It’s not as scary to think about writing three pages a day as it is writing ten pages in one sitting. One of the best ways to deal with stress is by creating a schedule for yourself.

2 - Don't procrastinate : 
 We’re all guilty of it. It’s unrealistic to say that you’re never going to procrastinate again. You’re going to do it, but you have to choose when it will work and when it will hurt you. For example, if your paper is due Monday morning and you have work all day Sunday, you probably don’t want to party with your friends from Friday to Saturday. However, if your Sunday night is free, you’ll still have time to write your paper after your fun plans with your friends on Friday.

3 - Do eat :
When you’re rushing around all day, it can be difficult to find time to eat. However, you need to munch on something, even if it’s an energy bar. When you’re low on fuel, your mind is going to slow down, which will cause you to become even more stressed. Don’t skip breakfast, even if you’re running late for class. You can eat on the drive there or even bring it to class.

4 - Don't lose life : 
As hard as it is to open up your schedule, you need to make time for your family, friends and especially your girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband... Your entire life can’t revolve around homework. Yes, your education is important, but so is your mental state. Your family and friends will help calm you down and de-stress you. Life is not all fun and games, but it should not be all work either. You need to find a healthy balance.

5 - Do take off :
We are not telling you to play Hookey everyday. But if you’re swamped with work and need an extra day to sit at home writing, don’t feel bad about taking off. You just have to make sure that you skip on a day that is not too busy. You don’t want to miss any important lessons. Taking off is a once in a semester occasion, so make the day worth it.

6 - Do not dwell :
The assignments are not the only stressful thing about school. The people around you can cause you to worry about each day of class. If you feel like you do not fit in, remember that your situation is only temporary. You are stuck with the same people for a certain amount of time, but then they are out of your life forever. Once you are out of school, you can pick whom you stay in touch with. The rest of your classmates will only be a memory.

7 - Do remember :
If you forget why schooling is so important, you are going to feel like classes are pointless. You have to remember that you are learning valuable lessons. Your degree will help you in the future, so you should not feel like you’re working toward nothing. Remember that your classes are important, or you will feel like you are being stress about nothing.

People do not realize how much students have to deal with during the school year. We are expected to go above and beyond our capabilities, which is a heavy burden to handle.
Hope these tips are useful to you guys !
Enjoy !

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